Student Life
Our students are involved with each other and the larger community through After School Sports and Activities, Community Service, Clubs, Student Council and much more!

After-School Sports
The 5th through 8th grade students, both boys and girls, have a chance to gather together in a positive social environment and participate in competitive after school sports programs including boys’ flag football, basketball, girls’ softball, volleyball, and track.

Community Service
The students participate in service learning starting in Kindergarten and continue through 8th grade. Projects include making cards and letters, preparing lunches, sorting clothes and food, donating food and money, and assembling survival sacks.

The Yearbook Moderator guides middle school students in compiling the school yearbook. All students are invited to participate in designing the front and back covers based on the theme of the school year.

Student Council
A group of students elected by their peers lead the school for a year during daily all school gatherings with faculty supervision. Council members voice student opinion, help to raise funds necessary for projects and expenses of the Student Council, and serve as a liaison between the students and the administration.

Students in grades 4-8 work with parents in regular evening meetings. The meetings start with the basics during the training sessions and culminate in one team taking part in the Robotics competition in the fall.

The school library welcomes students in K-5 on a weekly basis for reading time with the librarian and/or time to check out books; all other students are welcome during morning and lunch recesses, during silent reading times, and by permission of the teacher to get materials for school projects and reading assignments.

Assemblies & Events
The school provides a wide variety of assemblies and classroom visits to enrich student learning such as theater and musical groups, speakers in many fields, animal visits, and performances. Spirit rallies involve the whole school gathering to have fun together as a community through games and sports.